Book Covers

I designed new book jackets for the contemporary novel White Teeth and the classic novel Love In The Time Of Cholera. These book covers convey the meaning and metaphor of the content and theme of the book. All the photography, illustrations, and typographical styles were explored for this project.

White Teeth is written by Zadie Smith, a novel that focuses on the later lives of two wartime friends and their families. It is centered on Britain’s relationship with immigrants from the British Commonwealth. Identity is the main theme that is carried throughout White Teeth. The novel explores issues of identity through characters’ ethnicities, the way they speak, their socioeconomic class, and more.

Love In The Time Of Cholera is a novel written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The novel's most prominent theme suggests that lovesickness is a literal illness, a plague comparable to cholera. Florentino Ariza (main character) suffers from lovesickness as one would suffer from cholera, enduring both physical and emotional pains as he longs for Fermina Daza (female character).